The GRC tournament, considered Germany's oldest and most distinctive urban sports event, has been captivating the German basketball community for 18 years, featuring 16 top international teams competing for the title in Cologne and drawing thousands of visitors annually to the cathedral city, embodying sport, passion, and community.
We curated and produced the video presentation for the 15th anniversary of the basketball weekend "Germany's Reality Check," handling event promotion, exhibition curation, and tournament documentation. Following a two-year corona break, we aimed for an authentic, urban, and stylish promotion, collaborating with the main sponsor, DefShop, to create an event trailer that highlighted key elements such as the tournament, dunk contest, exhibition, and the 15th anniversary.
As part of the GRC x DefShop campaign, we produced promotional photos for the basketball event, featuring carefully chosen models in GRC jerseys. The aim was not just to showcase the characters but also to capture the event's atmosphere and ambience. Stylized shots emphasized the dynamic nature of the sport and urbanity, with models reflecting authenticity and vibrant energy, embodying the excitement of the tournament.
Collaboration with other teams, such as marketing and event management, was crucial to ensure the visual elements supported the desired messages and promoted the event effectively. As producers, we needed to be able to understand and implement feedback to ensure the design met the requirements and expectations of all stakeholders.
As curators of an exhibition on the 15-year history of the Cologne basketball tournament, our task was to create a captivating and comprehensive presentation that illustrated the development, highlights and special features of the tournament.